The presence of different denominations and schools within Hinduism should not be viewed as a schism, as there was no original unity.
The presence of the dead is not viewed as odd or unpleasant.
The presence of profoundly deaf children was viewed rather oddly in one situation:
His often controversial presence at the top has been viewed by many in the markets as a block to fiscal reform.
His continued presence there as head of Hitler's favorite orchestra was viewed by many as an outrage.
How such confrontations are resolved is critical to how the American presence in this country will be viewed.
As a stranger without motive in a strange place, your presence is often viewed with mistrust if not outright suspicion.
His presence in both hierarchies is viewed as a coincidence, but it nevertheless provides a glimpse into the business of the Olympics.
Our presence in Lebanon will not be viewed as interference, as a pretense to taking command.
Their presence in inland deposits was viewed as evidence that dyrosaurids hatched far from the ocean.