The feeling of being observed, that an unknown presence lurked in the woods, grew stronger as he resumed the march.
All the while, the sinister presence of his ex-girlfriend's psychopathic landlord, Jeremy (Greg Cruttwell), lurks in the background.
While this is happening, an evil presence lurks closer to Kamui Kotan.
He stared grimly into that shadowy void, though he knew (with at least ninety-nine percent certainty) that whatever presence lurked behind it could no longer see him.
It seemed to both of them that some intelligent and malignant presence lurked behind them in the darkness, following them, watching them.
More echoes disclosed the presence of the shallow pit which had, until then, lurked in the echo void ahead of Owen.
Another presence lurked behind her on the net.
Menacing presences could have lurked all around him.
Lurking in the background, of course, is the inescapable presence of their immortal ancestor.
It was perhaps appropriate that the most commanding presence in a game of maddening uncertainty and bizarre inconsistency lurked on United's right wing.