In 1720 the current brick chapel was dedicated in presence of four bishops, a number of senators, and a large crowd of the faithful.
A roar of welcome greeted them, and they proceded to the city's cathedral for an Orthodox ceremony in the presence of 50 bishops.
He was ordained by Bishop Basilio do Nascimento of Baucau, East Timor, in the presence of 7 bishops from Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, and Portugal.
It was completed in 872 and was consecrated on 1 November 872 in the presence of four bishops and the Abbot of Corvey.
The sanctuary was dedicated on Saturday June 4, 1864 by the Cardinal of Villecourt, member of the Roman curia, in the presence of forty-three other bishops.
On 18 October 1166 he was elected Patriarch of the Jacobite church, and consecrated in the presence of twenty-eight bishops.
In the debate, which was held in the presence of many North African bishops, Maximus took the position that Jesus possessed both a human and a divine will.
Alexius obtained entrance to William's kingdom, and consecrated John at Holyrood Abbey in the presence of four other Scottish bishops, in the year 1180.
The Lady Chapel, the first part of the building to be completed, was consecrated in 1910 by Bishop Chavasse in the presence of two archbishops and 24 other bishops.
Thence it was taken to Tewkesbury Abbey and buried 28 July 1262, with great solemnity in the presence of two bishops and eight abbots in the presbytery at his father's right hand.