Last year, 102 businesses assisted county departments and offices in presenting 65 programs and activities.
It presents political and artistic actions, performances, non-profit and virtual activities in a contemporary artistic context.
Isn't it also possible that a child may well be delighted to take part in simple, cheerfully presented academic activities like writing a journal and reciting poetry?
Each Celebration Site presented free, family-friendly events and activities during the Alberta Arts Days 2011 weekend.
The established forum, the White House said, would be "the channel for presenting new cooperative activities."
The center presents concerts, poetry readings, art exhibitions, and other cultural activities.
He has authored magazine articles, books and pamphlets, presenting the programs and activities of the Roman Catholic Church.
An acoustical shell and a state-of-the-art lighting system assisted the Coliseum in presenting such activities.
Normally there is a question about presenting activities on their website.
In addition to regular concerts, the ensemble presents workshops and other out-reach activities to a wide range of groups within the community.