Coverage extends from the present back to 1951.
Very severe problems will arise if there is a drastic change from the present back to methods which involved little or no use of pesticides.
To the right, the coffeemaker was on, set against a wall covered with newspaper and magazine clippings from the present back to the 1960's.
McNally said, "Steve was interested in telling the story of a relationship from the present back to the moment when the couple first met.
It was the first illustrated history of international fine military, reaching from the present back to ancient Egyptian times.
They must learn what every child knows that you can't ask for a present back.
If you see her again, give her present back to her.
The Russians are now responding with data that they say goes from the present back to 1992.
The present back of the house was originally the front.
But what of immediate realities and possible action for the present back in the workplace?