SAS presented estimates that between 2.5 and 6.1 passengers transferred at Trondheim each day.
This release presents provisional estimates for road traffic in Great Britain for the third quarter of 2011.
It presents estimates of rates and provides data about trends in dropout, completion, and on-time graduation.
It presents quantitative estimates of the health improvements and monetary benefits that would be achieved by this proposal.
That report emphasizes the first estimates for 2006 and also presents revised estimates for the years 2004 and 2005.
Each one presents estimates by characteristics such as race, Hispanic origin, nativity, and region.
The brief also presents estimates on the monetary losses attributed to household victims of identity theft.
This series presents estimates of MOT non-compliance among vehicles observed driving on British roads.
Previously the framework had been rather piecemeal, with departments presenting separate estimates at different periods of the year.
As always, we will present updated estimates for agricultural expenditure in October, and it is then usually agreed that the new estimates should be used.