The artificial landscapes presented herein for single-objective optimization problems are taken from Bäck, Haupt et.
The data presented herein clearly demonstrate that polymerase alone may not account for the high mutation frequency associated with type 2 viruses in the tk mutagenesis assay.
The information presented herein is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling.
The findings presented herein indicate that neither of the ifk genes is involved in initiating development.
The study presented herein is an example of the rapidly growing field of in silico biology.
NOTE: It is apparent that further study along present lines would only confirm the findings presented herein.
Clearly, therefore, there is further scope for finding Zechstein gas and with the aid of the sedimentological models presented herein, it is hoped that future exploration will be more successful.
The potential alternative explanation that results presented herein were caused by residual gene product function in the mutant lines used is thus not correct.
Results presented herein are consistent with this second hypothesis.
Some of the information and scholarship presented herein," he writes, "the latest thinking at the time I gleaned it, may well have been discredited or superseded by now.