The guest speakers were presented awards by the Asian and Israeli hosts for their outstanding achievements in their work with the Holocaust survivors.
His cultural duality and diverse perspectives play a large role in the humanistic consciousness he manages to present in his work.
When debating opposing views, he makes an effort to understand exactly what they are and present them in his work, then refute them by subtle logic.
"I like using tracing paper because it gives me the transparency that I want to present in my work," Ms. Takada said.
David Hume presented a quantity theory in his 1752 work Of Money.
Vitali presents in his work a fragment of the world organized as the artistic set in each aspect of his compositions.
According to author Chris Nickson, "Honey" revealed a more confident and independent side to Carey that had never been presented in her previous work.
It updates the facts he presented in his 1973 work, "The American Left in the 20th Century."
I also see women as much stronger than they are usually depicted, so that undoubtedly affects the way I present them in my own work.
His ideas were presented in his monumental work On the Origin of Species.