"Are political disputes presented objectively and honestly?"
"Presenting the news objectively," reads the introductory text, "was often only an occasional and tangential goal."
Although he had personally concluded that the Soviets did not have MIRV capability, Duckett prepared a paper objectively presenting both sides of the technical debate.
Yet both Wright and Dixon trusted Foley completely to present the situation objectively, trusted him to be an honest broker, to separate the process from his own significant self-interest.
Credibility - "The IDF servicemen and women shall present things objectively, completely and precisely, in planning, performing and reporting.
A similar critical review was published by Kathimerini, stating that Debtocracy is aimed at promoting political propaganda rather than objectively presenting a proposed solution to the Greek crisis.
McHenry regarded this practice as "pandering to local prejudices" in order to suit local markets, instead of presenting subjects objectively.
Kubrick's film, by contrast, presents the story objectively.
The show objectively presents and records the lifestyle of the indigenous village.
The critique suggests that the distanced, impersonal modes of presenting objectively are incomplete.