Young leave the nest 12-16 days post-hatching, in great part because the parents start presenting food only outside the nest hole.
Bolan had been watching for a response to Blancanales' stutter-pistol attack, and he saw the shotgun the moment it presented itself outside that upstairs window.
But Gerry Moan, the party chairman, said opponents of Mr. Buchanan's views might present a bigger problem outside the convention center.
Raymond Liu presented himself, as demanded, outside the Network Control Center, where Connie was waiting for him.
Older students are usually encouraged to present their projects outside school.
Michiko presented her surprise in the parking lot outside the great white dome of the O'Connell Center.
Also, between 1985 and 1987 the same team located a different building which presented graves both inside and outside its limits.
As discussed below, evidence presented both at the Workshop and outside the Workshop contradicts these justifications.
He was hardly likely to resemble the men who presented arms outside Buckingham Palace.
Thus, an art-versus-science debate has long divided experts, with the Museum of Mankind, for instance, unhappy to imagine its collection presented outside its ethnographic context.