But she continued to draw, and the show is useful for presenting related drawings and sculptures.
He revolutionised the concept: conceived as a hundred-day event, he invited the artists to present not only paintings and sculptures, but also performances and "happenings".
Vertical, is a French art gallery (Paris) which presents vegetal sculptures.
Instead of paintings, however, it presents sculptures and photographs presumed to have some bearing on the future of painting.
It has presented paintings, drawings and sculptures at the United Nations, Lilith Fair concerts and mental health conferences.
He also collaborates in the "kalikosmia" exhibition in where he presented abstract sculptures made in plastic.
According to its catalogue, this interesting but unconvincing 15-artist show presents sculptures and photographs by which the doll Barbie might be educated about the future of painting.
The museum presents both paintings and sculptures from Romanticism to the present, covering a period of some 200 years.
Simultaneously, a contemporary art exhibition called the Decennale, covering 1890 to 1900, presented 6,543 paintings and sculptures by 3,223 artists from 29 countries.
This park has presented contemporary sculptures by internationally established artists, in a series of two year exhibitions, since 1997.