The festival will present performances by Irish and foreign artists.
They are able to present their own works or performances that integrate elements of youth and traditional culture.
Before the season ends on April 28, the company will present 119 performances of 15 operas.
During the season 2009/2010, the theatre presented 651 performances for an audience of 240,000 persons.
The Center presents more than 100 performances each year.
The company presented 182 performances in 2009 (up from 146 in 2006).
Until then the two companies will present occasional performances and temporary exhibitions there.
This season, it is presenting 104 professional performances in 17 series, with more than 60,000 people purchasing tickets.
All told, Carnegie is presenting 113 performances next season, virtually the same as were scheduled for 1992-93.
It now plays host to all types of live music, and presents approximately 200 performances every year.