GUfig faced to the south, his four hands presenting symbols, his feet resting upon the necks of ecstatic supplicants, with toes elongated and curled upward, to indicate elegance and delicacy.
Paolo Canevari presents highly recognizable or even commonplace symbols in order to comment on such concept as religion, the urban myths of happiness or the major principles behind creation and destruction.
Art critic Eleanor Heartney, in an introduction to Tcherkelov's series of impasto paintings based on these images, writes that they present "symbols mined from American currency as keys to understand national dreams and fantasies."
It may be, too, that an insightful work of art can retain its currency longer than a scholarly study, if only because by nature it presents symbols rather than specifics.
The mural depicts native peoples in all four directions, presenting indigenous designs and symbols, and portraits of great leaders such as Crazy Horse and Quanah Parker.
Sculptor Maurice Harron created the figures presenting symbols of learning and sanctity.
Rather than enclosing a vision in a composition, he presents symbols which throw open the doors to a world outside.
The ship also accepted visitors from the tribe, many of whom presented good-luck charms and symbols of valour and survival to the ship.
He believed art could present symbols in a way that would allow their magic to emerge.