The award is presented to nonprofit organizations that, upon independent review, have demonstrated the highest standards of public accountability, program effectiveness and cost effectiveness.
The results derived are then presented to professional organizations.
Holiday Commission will present awards to five individuals and organizations for their efforts to advance nonviolent social change.
He presents seminars in major international cities around the world on the latest customer service strategies and new developments to companies and other organizations.
The reporting shed light on how today's economic environment is presenting difficulties to nonprofit organizations who depend on volunteers because they cannot afford paid help.
The award is presented to organizations that have shown exemplary performance in several categories.
Dr. McKinney has presented on preparedness related issues to multiple organizations, including:
To be presented to one or two individuals or organizations who have made outstanding contributions in the diverse arts and culture of Asia.
As part of their mission to instigate social change, members of Newsreel would present films to political organizations and community groups across the United States.
It may also be presented to legal personalities, organizations, and other entities in one of three classes.