This is the oldest known human settlement in the present-day territory of Novi Sad.
According to an old legend, the present-day territory of Tbilisi was covered by forests as late as 458.
Its present-day territory is located about 8 km east-north from Luxor.
According to an old legend, the present-day territory of Ali Sabieh was covered by some trees and wadis.
From the earliest colonial times, the plain extending south into the centre of the present-day territory was referred to as Tuggeranong.
Censuses in 1948, 1956, 1966, 1977, 1992, 2002 and 2011 covered Romania's present-day territory.
The present-day territory of Padua was pasture until the 1920s.
According to an older legend, the present-day territory of Xariirad was covered by lots of trees and a wadis.
Victory Park was officially opened on July 7, 1946 and covered only the 1/7 of the present-day territory.
According to the local tourist information officer, this is the site referred to in what may be the first written mention of present-day Slovak territory.