When Nickelodeon requested new series, Kricfalusi assembled a presentation called "Your Gang," similar to a children's show with a live action host presenting various cartoons.
The initiative also included a presentation, called Sweet Europe, of typical sweets and cakes of every member state.
Based on these archives Roger lectures internationally with a multi-media presentation called "The Life of Bob Marley".
Over the year, each participating school receives five presentations called Adventure Concerts.
He has also made an audiovisual presentation called "Cosmological suite".
He has a presentation called "What's Wrong With You Guys?"
A sound-and-light presentation called "The Wilderness Tabernacle" depicts Israel's ancient priesthood and its system of sacrifices.
The traditional presentation of pupils'skills called "Steps" takes place annually in June in the last school week .
Possibly the most fun and most informative talk was an intriguingly named presentation called "From brains to detectors."