Mr. Wilke said that Wednesday's presentation in New Haven will consist of a mixture of video and lecture.
Many presentations consisted of boilerplate advocacy.
The presentation is typically of inflammatory acne lesions consisting of pustules, papules, and cysts.
The presentations generally consist of Mr. Rostropovich speaking while leaning on the piano and then demonstrating at the keyboard.
The live presentation consisted of two vocalists, as well as two percussionists who played drums and cymbals in a standing position.
The presentation consists of three verses, twenty minutes each.
This presentation consists of a ten foot video screen, music, stage lighting, wireless microphones and an elaborate presentation that includes the twins interviewing an animated character.
The presentation of the work consists of a chair, its photo and a blow up of a definition of the word "chair".
The presentation consisted only of the film itself, with its original opening and closing credits, and no special NBC-created credits or hosting segments.
The presentation consists of limericks, haikus, etc. referring to what happened at the meeting or in the community.