The press conference was accompanied by a number of presentation graphics, including animations, which you can view here.
Then again, perhaps Lotus felt that the essentials needed to manipulate a spreadsheet were enough, and that presentation graphics was not much in demand.
One of the major problems that presentation graphics has faced is that 35mm slides cost a lot of money.
Indeed, as we will see later, it still has a significant role to play even when the latest presentation graphics software is being used to generate the information.
Electronic generation of presentation graphics has, until quite recently, been a very expensive process.
Target use cases include data exploration, comparative analysis, visual debugging, quantitative analysis, and presentation graphics.
The Macintosh, with its graphical user interface of windows and icons, is especially well suited for working with presentation graphics.
Harvard Graphics, one of the earliest presentation graphics design programs.
In 1786, William Playfair, published the first presentation graphics.
Unlike Tange however its simple presentation graphics put many people off.