And investors tend to be influenced by those hired hands' presentational skills (hype in my language) rather than their true skills as leaders.
The class doesn't emphasize only programming, but also presentational skills.
For a major party leader his presentational skills are spectacularly awful.
Has the intellect of Brown but with better presentational skills.
This may well mean developing the range of presentational skills which have been part and parcel of effective classroom teaching for generations.
For me it is substance and deeds that matter, not presentational skills.
Those wishing to improve their image or presentational skills can assess their performance on video in a simulated bank interview or product presentation.
The level of presentational skills used here is of the highest ilk - totally absorbing.
This technique is useful for maturing participants' presentational skills as well as audience skills.
The trainees also received training which included presentational skills as well as website communications with the TCP group.