By 1965 51 American communities had adopted preservation ordinances.
The Village Board is considering protecting the building by passing a historic preservation ordinance, he said.
He says the New York provision seems unique among the country's 1,500 to 2,000 local preservation ordinances.
"I don't think anybody expected the preservation ordinance to go through," she said, "but it passed unanimously."
The same kind of thinking was behind Yonkers's preservation ordinance.
This underlies most preservation ordinances, which invariably address only the outer skin, not the space inside.
The firm was influential in Charleston, creating the city's first historic preservation ordinance in 1930.
The site was one of the first properties identified by the town when it enacted its first local historic preservation ordinance in 1997.
In 1981, she sponsored the County's first historic preservation ordinance.
The town's historic preservation ordinances provide for the designation of local landmarks.