An appeal from preservationist groups to the mayor's office went unanswered.
Five preservationist groups, including the conservancy, have each contributed $10,000 to a restoration fund.
Later that same year, a local preservationist group began seeking legal action to prevent demolition.
Under an agreement struck with a local preservationist group, the old and new buildings barely touch each other.
The preservationist group negotiated the standards of reuse for 11 historic buildings in the ballpark area with the developer and city officials.
The tour is sponsored by Landmark West, a local nonprofit preservationist group.
Idle since 2005, it was saved by a preservationist group in 2007.
The work sparked a storm of protest from architects and preservationist groups.
The city of Quincy is working with preservationist groups to create a historical and recreational park at the mill.
And for preservationist groups trying to keep wood barns around, cost is a big factor, too.