The chemical that gives the timber its unique smell and preservative qualities is methyl eugenol.
In the days before refrigeration, spices possessed useful preservative qualities.
It felt good against her hide, because of its preservative quality.
Mr. Betancourt has unearthed some clues as to what happened to them, thanks to the preservative qualities of crystallized rat urine.
This is a recent innovation, however; due to its preservative qualities, lutefisk has traditionally been a common "everyday" meal in wintertime.
Some gruit ingredients are now known to have preservative qualities.
It is mostly firefighters they are finding, he said, because bunker gear is not easily destroyed and has the preservative qualities of a rubber bag.
Either the birds survived there much longer or else the remarkable preservative quality of the dry air caused the remains to resist decay.
Being dry and salty, as opposed to dewy and sweet, clearly has major preservative qualities.
This special dodo can have a preservative quality that lasts up to two months without refrigeration.