Many preserve a distinct visual record of time and place.
The safe was an heirloom, used only to preserve certain records in case of fire.
As this episode shows, the Times is not even attempting to preserve a reliable record of events.
Herbaria also preserve a historical record of change in vegetation over time.
To preserve records, the building will have state-of-the-art environmental systems for the 90,000 cubic feet of storage area.
Only an' incredible accident could preserve a written record across such a span.
But there are some which were expressly made to commemorate an important event, or to preserve a record.
During the surrender of the city, he helped preserve the Confederate government and military records housed there.
These rocks can preserve a record of the field if it is not later erased by chemical, physical or biological change.
It became apparent that there was nothing in place to preserve a record of their unique contribution.