Jobs in the garden this week: plant crocuses and preserve cyclamen before the winter.
His pilgrimage thus becomes an exercise in time travel, an effort to capture, and to preserve, the world before progress.
For example, a system may relegate a claim of a certain amount to a judge but preserve the right to a new trial before a jury.
Roney and Judd work to preserve the bodies before they decay.
Pastramă was originally created as a way to preserve meat before modern refrigeration.
They will preserve the books and ideas of people before them.
Whatever method is chosen in the future, extreme care will have to be taken to preserve confidentiality before and after the final decision.
"To preserve this moment for posterity, before we impale him."
The Chinese annals did preserve his title before the enthronement.
Instinct told me to preserve a cool and indifferent front before her, but she was perceptive enough to see through it.