The garden has always been the estate's main attraction, and stands today as one of Norway's best preserved gardens from that period.
Within a month, the group had raised $650,000, and enlisted the support of the Garden Conservancy, a national group devoted to preserving unique private gardens.
The park at Fredensborg is one of Denmark's largest and best preserved Baroque gardens.
It brings together garden experts, government services, foundations, and tourism agencies to preserve, develop, and promote gardens of historic interest within northwestern Europe.
By his Will, a charitable trust was established to preserve the house and gardens for the benefit of the public.
Gunnebo has one of Sweden's finest and best preserved baroque gardens.
The Garden Conservancy was formed in 1989 to preserve and restore exceptional American gardens.
It was established in 1999 to help garden enthusiasts who want to preserve gardens in their communities.
The nonprofit conservancy is dedicated to preserving fine gardens all over America, and on open days visitors are welcomed into hundreds of them.
The McRaes opened the plantation to the public in 1957 and have made great efforts to preserve the original structures and gardens.