They are considered different letters, and case conversion must take care to preserve the distinction.
We still preserve the distinction between running the gantlet and throwing down the gauntlet, for example.
However, Kashmiri belongs to a relatively small set that preserves the distinction.
However, for the purpose of discussion in this chapter it will be more appropriate to preserve the distinction between them.
The Army is keen in preserving the distinction between pets kept by the soldiers and official mascots of the regiments.
He added, "I certainly have tried here to preserve the distinction between news material and classified advertising.
"An opposition diplomat" is how he describes his function, being careful to preserve the distinction between himself and the politicians.
A more general term that preserves the distinction between goods and services is 'commodities'.
While preserving the distinction between being and doing, the court decided to protect doing in its own right.
Therefore a separate section was needed for the fullwidth forms to preserve the distinction.