In one of the nation's most ambitious efforts to preserve vanishing farmland and woodlands, the New Jersey Legislature passed a ballot measure today that will ask voters in November to approve borrowing $1 billion to protect half of the state's remaining two million acres of undeveloped land over the next 10 years.
He added: 'As a community, we must do all in our power to encourage the planting of new trees and preserve our existing tree and woodlands.'
The Ansonia Nature Center on Hilltop preserves some open fields and woodlands and is a favorite for school trips.
Two weeks ago, representatives of several environmental groups appeared before the board to express their concerns about preserving open space, woodlands and wetlands, hoping that in the future the township might be able to protect land like the property that Villa Collina now occupies.
Conservationists have worked hard to preserve woodlands.
As an active member of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, he worked to help preserve ancient trees and woodlands in the local area.
New York City's plan to clear 1,500 trees and other vegetation from a Staten Island park to build ball fields has split residents, pitting the need for new recreation space against the the desire to preserve increasingly scarce woodlands.
It also supports community action to preserve woodlands.
Save Strawberry Canyon, an organization working to preserve the watershed and woodlands of Strawberry Canyon from proposed construction by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Yet every hiker owes a debt to this remarkable Englishwoman, who pioneered the voluntary, nongovernmental fight to preserve woodlands and shorelines, and to save gracious, historic or curious old buildings threatened by bulldozers and death duties.