Later, Mandela and the PAC's president, Clarence Makwetu, hailed the meeting as an "outstanding success".
Yesterday, the president hailed the constitution establishing an Islamic republic as "an amazing process," and said it "honors women's rights, the rights of minorities."
The president of the United States of America Barack Obama is hailing from the Luos.
In the company's 1879 year-end report, the company's president hailed a major improvement:
Delegates wiped tears from their eyes as the president at the convention hailed the party for lighting "a prairie fire" that he said transformed the nation.
While some Republicans and Democrats have attacked a brokered agreement reached Thursday because they said it does not go far enough in protecting civil liberties, the president hailed the agreement.
Abandoning the attitudes of past governments who viewed immigrants as an embarrassment, Mexico's president, Vicente Fox, has hailed them as "national heroes."
And results from Bayelsa state, where the president hails from, show discrepancies in the total number of registered voters and total number of votes casts.
The president, who spoke nearly an hour, chiefly about the economy, hailed Mr. Miller's endorsement as a celebration of bipartisanship.
Yale's president, Richard C. Levin, hailed the agreement as the dawn of a "new era" in Yale's relationship with its unions.