The former president of Pakistan pleaded for understanding in his country's fight against terrorism, in a region deemed central to the outcome of that battle.
Last week, a former president of the bank, Rodolfo T. Arambulo, pleaded guilty to racketeering.
One of its salesmen still faces criminal charges of trying to bribe school officials, and its president has pleaded guilty to an antitrust charge.
Lincoln Savings' former president pleaded guilty to two Federal securities fraud charges.
The former president, Charles V. Giordano, pleaded guilty last year to embezzling and accepting kickbacks.
The president of a Westchester County company pleaded guilty yesterday to conspiracy in connection with a continuing investigation into price fixing in the linen supply business.
The president of one of the companies, Sable Communications, pleaded guilty in June to bribing a county commissioner here.
In 1989 the company's president pleaded guilty to theft and conspiracy charges and was sentenced to prison.
The executive director of the New Hampshire Republican Party and the president of the Virginia consulting group pleaded guilty for their part in the scheme.
The foundation's former president and board chairman, Leonard F. Pickell, has pleaded guilty to stealing more than $50,000 from the organization.