Standard's president, John Rockefeller, had long since retired from any management role.
In 1929, the president retired, and the couple left Washington.
When the president of the printing company retired in the early 1960's, he asked for the painting as a retirement gift.
The request that the 63-year-old president retire came as a surprise at the end of a contentious three-day board meeting, but it was apparently planned.
Most presidents retired, and what happened to them?
Some presidents retire to a life outside of the public eye.
But corporate rules, such as limits on the lengths of service or age limits, may force presidents to retire.
But he did say he expected other presidents might leave or retire in the next year or two.
A president of the school might retire.
Yale's president, by contrast, could one day retire with as much as $42,000 per month under a recent proposal.