The president yesterday unveiled two steps in his media strategy.
Now tonight, 84 months later, the president has unveiled a similar plan just as bad as the first.
But larger questions have arisen since the President unveiled his proposal.
Projected gains are expected to run even higher in the new budget that the President will unveil this week.
The President will unveil his plan in a speech to Congress this month.
Last week the president unveiled a $2.4 trillion budget that hardly anyone, on the left or the right, believes is credible.
When a President unveils a new budget, state and local officials around the country rush to parse it.
His first big act of disloyalty came after the President unveiled his economic plan.
On 28 October, the President unveiled to support employment, with significant aids by the government.
February 14 - The President unveils his spending request for the 2012 federal budget.