But he might be called emblematic of New Hampshire voters, who carry such disproportionate weight in the presidential primary process because they go first.
The long-winded and often farcical presidential process does regularly come up with good contenders.
Paradoxically, in this election many people have probably felt distant from the presidential process even while being in suspense about it.
"This is the nature of the presidential process," Dr. Reiter said.
California officials have long tried to figure out how to make the state relevant to the presidential nominating process.
Martin also named a group to complete the presidential nominating process, which will be used to choose Martin's permanent successor through 2004.
Devine is considered one of the leading experts on the Democratic Party's presidential nominating process and general election strategy.
Making California more relevant to the presidential nominating process has long been a desire of state officials.
"It is unlike anything else we will see in the presidential process."
The Hispanic vote has never been all that important in the presidential primary process.