Violence has been used by the government against its people under three different styles of government: parliamentary, presidential and military rule.
"Perhaps after the presidential elections we should introduce direct presidential rule there for a couple of years," he said.
Mikhalchenko refused to say whether the "full powers" would bring in direct presidential rule or a state of emergency.
Soon after his election, Ilyumzhinov introduced presidential rule, concentrating power in his own hands.
In conjunction with a state of emergency the President might also impose temporary direct presidential rule over a union republic.
He has already done this and has brought the country to dictatorship, to presidential rule as they call it.
He has not so far imposed presidential rule on the Baltics.
Having lost faith in the policies of the present authorities, they demand that presidential rule be established.
Today we introduce presidential rule, tomorrow he may become a dictator.
Everything he has done has been aimed at bringing the country to dictatorship, to presidential rule as they call it.