He pressed for equal treatment for air crews of Hispanic descent and other minorities, including crew assignments on flights to South Africa.
He said he would be "pressing for disclosure of all their nuclear programs, including highly enriched uranium."
Lacking other fiscal means of stimulating the economy, the Administration appears to be pressing for export-led growth - including military exports.
Less than 10 were sold, and several were given to press including Electronic Games magazine co-founder Arnie Katz.
He pressed for investment in the aviation industry, including the construction of a supersonic airliner.
The Commissioner, like the Mayor, said that while the statistics showed progress, he would press ahead with new strategies, including one targeted at auto theft.
He relentlessly pressed administration officials for a more assertive policy to combat terrorism, including stronger use of the military.
They are pressing for fewer prisons and more alternative programs, including one that would let addicted prisoners have reduced sentences if they accept drug treatment.
Chile pressed ahead with privatizations, including public utilities plus the re-privatization of companies that had returned to the government during the 1982-1983 crisis.
This is necessary if we are to press home to people again- including MEPs - the significance of Asia.