At present, Broadway and the press keep the peace through a policy of mutually assured destruction.
As Table 6.1 shows, the national press kept a remarkably steady share, in the region of 16 - 19 per cent.
A garrulous free press is keeping the corruption issue alive.
But the main cause is not, as Britain's tabloid press keeps insisting, his marriage.
The press of his body kept her upright as he braced a hand on the wall for balance.
I tried to roll over and found the press of flesh kept me pinned on my side.
The press still kept track of my changing hairstyles, but they were finally giving me a pass in the fashion department.
"I think the press will keep asking," he said.
"The press kept quoting the sound bites instead of the policy," he said.
It was a necessity of their business that the presses keep running.