By 3 June 1944, a general fighting withdrawal to the Trasimene Line began as the Allies pressed northward, taking Rome the next day.
To reduce further ice buildup, and stay out of the wind, the Block hugged the Lake Michigan shoreline, keeping four to five miles off as she pressed northward.
As the First Brigade pressed northward, more than 200 Iraqis surrendered, including a colonel, who gave up at an ammunition plant.
Confederate troops were unsuccessful in attempts to press northward in the territory and withdrew from Arizona completely in 1862 when Union reinforcements arrived from California.
I think it more likely that as we pressed northward, the Altans were pressing south, and we met and quarreled over the spoils.
However, they rapidly pressed northward, leaving the "mopping up" of the town to the 3rd Canadian Division following close behind.
Our fourth morning found us still pressing northward.
Pressing ever northward, they proceeded to 125th Street for ice cream sodas.
They pressed northward through the dark woods for two days, and gradually the sign of their quarry grew more and more faint.