She pressed officials at Juilliard to build a dormitory - a project that was not realized until after her death decades later.
At the same time, the prime minister has pressed American officials to give him more authority over the country's security.
But in Corrèze, she easily transformed herself into a woman of the people, who pressed local officials to brag about their accomplishments.
In Phoenix and nearby cities, neighborhood associations are pressing local officials to reduce the size of new office buildings and other projects.
He pressed Albanian officials to live up to their declarations about democracy.
Citizen environmentalists pressed zoning officials, arguing that the town code did not specifically permit a composting operation in the agricultural district.
That has prompted her and other mothers of missing young women to form a group that is now pressing officials to investigate the killings more actively.
For this reason, he said, Honduras is pressing American officials to bring the contras to the United States.
In Puerto Rico, the complaint says, the Senator pressed officials for several projects after the proposed developers contributed $18,000 to his campaign.
A persistent tenant leader works the phone, pressing officials to fix lights or fight rats.