The group has also actively sought out Republicans to press a its agenda within the state Republican Party.
The legislators elected under his banner have a clear opening to press their revanchist agenda.
All of this seemed clear enough, but the Bush team apparently could not resist an opportunity to press its anti-abortion agenda.
Democrats are also frustrated because they no longer have the platform of the White House from which to press their agenda.
That you should now take advantage of this anomaly to press your own agenda is disgraceful.
Former President Clinton is so frustrated to be on the sidelines that he has talked about mounting a public relations offensive to press his agenda.
So 1997, they say, is the year for Democrats to stand up and press their own agenda.
A14 President Clinton went to California to press his domestic agenda.
But it took a few years to learn how to press their agenda with the tough talkers who ran the Mayor's budget office.