The Turkish Foreign Ministry responded with a press released statement saying that the resolution had "many factual errors which may harm the credibility of the House of Representatives".
After this press released was issued, the attack was condemned during Friday prayer in Stockholm's grand mosque.
Weeks before its release History of Guns issued a press released saying that they'd been "consumed by business rhetoric" and were thus "downsizing the album into an EP".
The first press released after the HP acquisition was the HP Indigo 5000, a product known internally as "Jericho."
In a press released statement, TS Entertainment describe their sentiments regarding on Secret's comeback date and their first official album:
In a press released statement through Allkpop, TS Entertainment revelead that the concept behind "Love is Move" was inspired by the 1930s cartoon character Betty Boop.
Although there is no press released report available on this matter.
His entire campaign schedule for this week consists of two television appearances, according to a press advisory released on Monday.
The first press, released with hand made covers sold out very quickly, and a repress was made with properly printed covers.
Much of the press released during the conflict reported that Church authorities supported the Conservative Party.