When she could hear herself speak, the Dowager, scarlet with pleasure, was also urgently pressing.
And then he urgently pressed me to promise to keep a certain secret from Vivian.
Many of his friends urgently pressed him to accept but without a moment's hesitation he determined to decline the proposed honour.
Plus, the tiny musical pipe she pressed so urgently into Storm's hand doesn't look terribly powerful.
Both sides appear to have decided that there is no need to press ahead urgently, officials say.
Her fingers pressed urgently against his, the touch of cold glass, hard.
She didn't move away again as Wulfgar's lips found hers, in a long and leading kiss, gentle at first but then pressing more urgently.
Her body, shuddering from the onslaught, pressed urgently to his.
His basic approach is to keep after the donors constantly, urgently pressing them to give more money.
The pressure of each fingertip, pressing urgently into her flesh.