His right knee slid forward and pressed a button just within the edge of the desk.
Prosecutors could only press charges for incidents of abuse within the last five years.
You have to press it within ten seconds of Eileen or we'll have to start over.
For a punch to be scored, three of the five judges must press a button within one second.
Due to press restrictions within Syria this footage cannot be independently verified.
When requested, the audience must now press a button in front of them within ten seconds to indicate which option they think is correct answer.
Pressing the button anywhere within 500 feet of the central unit summons help.
The sponsors of the bill made clear their intention to press for a vote on it within the current legislative session.
So the ship would be blown to atoms if I didn't press a certain button within twenty-four hours of the last signal.
A well-ordered army could press through the breach within a day, whatever we did to block it.