As organizers held a series of meetings across the neighborhood, they found that housing was the most pressing priority after crime.
Still, it is clear that for many blacks enhancing black schools is a more pressing priority than opening up historically white ones.
His patriotic campaigns against corruption and extremism have most often given way to the more pressing priorities of mundane self-interest.
The government in Brasila was unable to invest in such things as it scrambled to deal with the more pressing priority of hyperinflation.
But the commemorative moment will provide only a respite from what has become a more pressing priority: political infighting.
They're voting whether to meet our most pressing national priorities in education, defense, nearly every other domain in our people's lives.
City officials, enmeshed with the more pressing priority of recovering bodies, did not realize that structural engineers would be keenly interested in the twisted metal.
A. The two most pressing environmental priorities for Connecticut are cleaner air and water.
Maybe such policies are not the most pressing priorities of my country's local authorities.
The most pressing priority for Iran, Mr. Adeli says, is to meld its three-tiered exchange rate and eliminate costly subsidies.