He said the most pressing tasks were replacing 76 destroyed bridges and building housing for 29,000 homeless families.
In fact, the most pressing task for the board right now is to figure out whether they want to name Mr. Iger chief executive.
Right now I have a more pressing task for you and Chiun.
The most pressing task was to complete the building so that Fortunoff could open in time for the 2003 Christmas season.
"Under these circumstances, the most pressing task is to establish peace on the Korean peninsula," he said.
One of the most pressing tasks for the new government was to draft a new constitution.
Where thousands of laborers scurried across scaffolds, now only a handful continue the most pressing tasks.
Lastly, the most pressing task that we have before us in creating a fairer area of peace and understanding is in the Middle East.
Gone were the days when the most pressing task was convincing companies that they even had a problem.
A most pressing task is to relieve the impact of the severe fall in oil prices that began in 1982 and has substantially lowered revenues.