The pressures on Al Qaeda escalated yesterday on two continents.
And while diplomatic pressure on the Assad regime has gradually escalated, the international response has been piecemeal and so far ineffective.
The pressures to withdraw for candidates who have yet to win anything by Feb. 3 will escalate quickly.
"The pressure has escalated from subtle to heavy-handed in the last four years," he said.
The pressure escalated rapidly and she could not move, as she was so thoroughly impaled.
However, as the pressures of enacting the Law (doing the Job, as they call it) escalate, voluntary cooperation begins to break down.
The pressure on political action committees and lobbyists will only escalate in the coming weeks.
To make matters worse, the committees contend that pressure from lawmakers for contributions has escalated sharply in recent weeks.
Rather than allow pressures to escalate further, Budd decided on her own last week to withdraw.
And as the pressures escalate, she begins having surreal conversations with the instrument, which in her mind is harassing her by making strange, pained noises.