Can parental pressure now spur further growth in higher education?
Environmental groups contend that no other cars are as clean and that the pressure on auto companies to develop electric vehicles had spurred innovation.
Proponents of the bill had hoped the governor's support and the pressure of the election would spur its passage this year, but they underestimated the opposition in the Senate.
Evolutionary Spur Biologists suggest that the pressure to alternately cooperate and compete with their fellows may have spurred on the evolution of the dolphin brain.
Their constant pressure, plus mounting public dissatisfaction with the Forest Service's current management practices - most notably, logging in the ancient forests - has spurred the agency to rethink its values.
THE pressure to replace hopelessly obsolete technology has also spurred the new initiatives.
Demographic pressures may spur human ingenuity, but ingenuity is never evenly distributed.
But the shrinking pool of available labor, and the possibility that upward pressure on wages could spur inflation, seem to be the biggest issues on the minds of Federal Reserve officials as they debate whether to raise interest rates a third time this year when they meet on Tuesday.
That pressure spurred Linden to seek a meeting, but the league executive said Linden was told not to assume that the season could be revived.
Economic pressure spurred the development of the first directive which had two goals (1) the harmonization of the law and (2) dealing with the problems caused by the need for interoperability.