There was a sense of prestige associated with it.
The prestige associated with higher education caused a demand for it.
Morale in the police force dropped with large budget cuts and low prestige associated with the job.
It rather establishes itself, by the 6th century, at the top of the scale of prestige associated with weapons.
We know that there is a frightful prestige associated with the radical spirit.
The prestige associated with law degrees is based largely on how hard it is to get them.
Italy used the diplomatic prestige associated with this successful agreement to adopt a more aggressive foreign policy.
Job satisfaction or the prestige associated with a particular occupation may be important in their decision-making, and these factors are typically ignored.
"There's a certain amount of prestige associated with having them."
As women enter an occupation, this reduces the amount of prestige associated with the job and men subsequently leave these occupations.