The California system includes prestigious campuses at Berkeley and Los Angeles and is the SAT's largest customer.
Professors attended to doze through papers about Chaucer and Emerson, schmooze one another and lobby for posts at more prestigious campuses.
It suggests a museum, or a college president's home on a prestigious campus.
Equally distressing is the news that minority enrollment is also dropping at some of the City University's most prestigious campuses.
The increasing wealth on the nation's most prestigious campuses has gone largely unnoticed until recently, though, obscured by two other trends, education scholars say.
With all his social handicaps, Teddy was about to be thrust onto a high-powered, prestigious campus.
(Questions about such potential conflicts, of course, can also arise on even the most prestigious campuses.)
That a well-liked teacher could be shot to death in the center of one of the world's most prestigious campuses at midday was troubling enough.
I answered: "I think in the next few years we're going to see some firm begin to hire well-known faculty at our most prestigious campuses and offer an all-star degree over the Internet.
This has changed as CSU schools increase enrollment and some of the more prestigious urban campuses attract a wider demographic.