Beck has been the recipient of numerous awards for outstanding achievement throughout a long and prestigious career.
Peyman has dedicated himself to structural innovation throughout his prestigious career.
His prestigious career includes theatre, film, television, and nightclubs.
When teaching was considered one of the most critical and prestigious careers for a developing nation.
At the start of the new film, he has even taken a job in a strange city to accommodate his wife's more prestigious career.
When a child chooses a less prestigious career, parents might interpret it as a sign of their own failure.
"I have had a long, prestigious and honorable career," said the 41-year-old, 12-year veteran of the police force.
The doctor was retiring from the fleet after a long and prestigious career to spend more time with his children and grandchildren.
He continued his prestigious writing career, always seeking to improve the national sport, until the day before his death.
Fawcett began his prestigious career in physics with a full scholarship to the University of Cambridge.