At 60, this former bad boy now finds that his firm, Morphosis, is winning some of the most prestigious commissions in the country.
Over the following years, he was given many highly prestigious commissions.
After that, he received more prestigious commissions, starting with a house at Lauriergracht 122 in 1889.
Despite the prestigious commission, the date of the painting's execution remains unclear.
Upon his return to Germany in 1507 he was too preoccupied with new and prestigious commissions to finish any of the panels.
He received prestigious commissions in both St. Petersburg and abroad.
Throughout her career she has had many prestigious commissions, including her very well known ecclesiastical work.
Most have received such prestigious commissions as institutional buildings and art museums.
Such status is marked not only by prestigious commissions but also by various prizes.
His expertise in lettering led to a number of prestigious commissions for memorials.