His paintings have been exhibited in a number of prestigious galleries.
They figure to be near the prestigious galleries as well as the potential customers who will buy their work.
Beginning in 1937, he actively worked on his photographs, which were shown in many of Paris's most prestigious galleries.
His work is currently being reviewed by "a few of the most prestigious galleries in the country."
There, in the museum's most prestigious galleries, "Winslow Homer" will be on display.
D Map This prestigious nonprofit gallery was founded in 1897.
The head of a prestigious gallery and the man she is strongly attracted to hunt for a killer.
He continued to exhibit his work in New York City, but less frequently, and at less prestigious galleries.
There followed several solo shows at prestigious galleries and, in 1961, one at the Guggenheim Museum.
Most of his works are exhibited at prestigious galleries in Europe and in the United States.